Page 9 - Sleep Slim Tea (Tara & Purelife Organics) : Flip It & Read It
P. 9

Bu t I could see the shame eating at him…

       Not just because he almost hit me…

       …b ut because it had been going on for so


       …and was taking a toll…

       What he didn’t know…  what I’d been hiding
       from him…  tryin g to protect him…

       Is that even on most nights, when he thought
       he was sleeping well…

       …h e would toss and turn all night in a shallow

       …relivin g the terrors that haunt him…

       …and I’d go to bed every night hoping
       desperately  to get a decent sleep…

                                And as you’re about to discover…

                                …I  soon learned a shocking truth…

                                …that our poor sleep was devastating
                                to our health…
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